JPDB does not have an auto suspend feature for leeches like anki.

If you are a patreon you can use a couple labs features together to approximate something similar.

I reckon this is not useful for total beginners. For me it reduces my review load substantially.


In Labs Settings: Activate “show failed cards last” and “cycle through failed cards before showing them again”.


Review as you normally do. At some point you will only have failed cards left. Go through these once or twice (this is why we enabled cycling).


At this point you only have failed cards left that didn’t manage to stick after a couple repeats. In other words leeches.

Go to the lab settings again and activate “override default failed carded cooldown period”. Set it to something low like 2 seconds.

Now all your failed cards should be due instantly. Hit abandon and they are gone from your rotation until you add them again.

Closing thoughts

Don’t worry about your known count regressing or something along those lines. If a card doesn’t survive this process its not worth SRSing. Add it again once it comes up in immersion.

I do this every couple days. I feel confident in adding as many cards as I want now, knowing that i can just sieve them out easily if they don’t stick.